The following changes to the dashboard were made in April 2023.
Improvements to the Action Plan
We've improved the Action Plan by automatically adding more information in the Status column.
Receiving your Action Plan
Dashboard members have always had the ability to request an Action Plan by email - however, you can now also download it directly to your phone, tablet or computer.
You can give it a try as follows:
- Go to your Dashboard Overview page.
- Select 'Send me the Action Plan' towards the bottom of the page.
- Press the 'Download it' button.
Action Summary
An Action Summary report was added to the dashboard in the Autumn. It's a shorter version of the Action Plan, since it ignores any completed actions or suspended activities.
The Action Summary is ideal for updating the PCC about the progress that has been made. You can download it as follows:
- Go to your Dashboard Overview page.
- Select 'Send me the Action Summary' towards the bottom of the page.
- Press the 'Download it' button.