Review dates

Dashboard questions need to be reviewed from time to time, and the review date tells you when this was last done.

Why are review dates necessary?

Parish circumstances are forever changing.  For example: a new churchwarden is elected, some DBS checks expire, a safeguarding poster is taken down, or a policy becomes outdated.  Therefore, a dashboard question that was correctly answered three years ago might no longer be correct today.

By entering a review date, the dashboard will remind you when a question next needs to be reviewed.  This helps you to keep the information up to date.

Where were review dates missing?

In May 2024, parishes were asked to enter review dates for nine dashboard lights where they had previously been omitted:

  • Policies and Action Plan - Safeguarding Policy Promotion
  • Safeguarding Roles - DBS Administrator
  • Displayed Information - Safeguarding Policy Notice
  • Displayed Information - Safeguarding Policy Who's Who
  • Displayed Information - Safeguarding Poster
  • Displayed Information - Parish Website
  • Reviews and Reports - PCC Agenda
  • Church Activities - Safer Environment (Level 2)
  • Safeguarding Procedures - Clergy Vacancy (Level 3)

How was this change implemented?

This change was implemented in three steps:

  • May 2024 - Parishes were asked to enter review dates for the above dashboard lights.
  • June 2024 - Where no date had been entered, a green light tuned amber.
  • September 2024 - Where no date had entered, an amber light turned red.

The good news is that it only takes a few seconds to add a review date, and the light will turn green again.

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