New dashboard lights

As part of the 2024 Upgrade, new dashboard lights are being added to the dashboard.

Why are new lights being added? 

When the Safeguarding Dashboard  was first launched in 2018, it was based on the requirements found in the Parish Safeguarding Handbook.

As part of the 2024 Upgrade, new lights are being added to bring the dashboard up to date with the latest safeguarding requirements.

Some of these lights are mandatory requirements, and others are good practice.

New lights that are mandatory requirements

  • Induction and Settling-In Period - Level 2
    For roles that involve substantial contact with children (under 18) or vulnerable adults, the PCC must ensure that all new appointments include an appropriate induction process and settling in period.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with the mandatory requirements in Sections 12 and 13 of the Safer Recruitment and People Management Guidance.
  • Ongoing Support and Oversight - Level 2
    The PCC must ensure that everyone who has substantial contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults has ongoing support and oversight.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with the mandatory requirements in Sections 14 of the Safer Recruitment and People Management Guidance.
  • Lone Working - Level 2
    The PCC must follow the Church of England’s safeguarding guidance regarding lone working with children or vulnerable adults.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with the mandatory requirements found in Safer Environment and Activities . Please especially see pages 8-9, 17, 18, 21, 23-24, 28 and 34.
  • Appropriate Boundaries - Level 2
    The PCC must follow the Church of England’s safeguarding guidance regarding appropriate boundaries with children or vulnerable adults.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with the mandatory requirements found in Safer Environment and Activities . Please especially see pages 6-7, 23-24 and 28.
  • Promoting a Healthy and Safe Culture - Level 3
    The PCC must consider how they can better promote a healthy and safe church culture.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with the mandatory requirements in Section 1 of Responding Well to Victims and Survivors of Abuse.
  • Information for Victims and Survivors - Level 3
    The PCC must be aware of the need to provide clear and accessible information for victims and survivors.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with the mandatory requirements in Section 1 of Responding Well to Victims and Survivors of Abuse.
  • Support for Victims and Survivors - Level 3
    Following the disclosure of church-based abuse, the relevant PCC must take reasonable steps to offer appropriate support to the victim or survivor.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with the mandatory requirements in Section 2 of Responding Well to Victims and Survivors of Abuse.

New lights that are good practice

The following lights are not mandatory requirements, and are only discplayed on the Safeguarding Standards section of the dashboard.

  • Promoting the Welfare of Vulnerable Groups - Level 3
    It is good practice for the PCC to consider how they can encourage those in leadership roles to better promote the welfare of vulnerable groups.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with Safeguarding Standard 1  (see item 1.6 on page 8).
  • Safeguarding Awareness - Level 2
    It is good practice to raise awareness of different kinds of abuse and contemporary safeguarding issues.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with Safeguarding Standard 2  (see items 2.4 and 2.7 on page 11).
  • Risks with Buildings - Level 3
    It is good practice to make all staff and volunteers aware of the safeguarding risks associated with the layout of church buildings.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with Safeguarding Standard 2  (see item 2.11 on page 11).
  • Responding to victims and survivors - Level 3
    It is good practice for the incumbent and Parish Safeguarding Officer to consider how the church might better respond to victims and survivors of abuse.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with Safeguarding Standard 4  (see all items on page 17).
  • Supporting People in Safeguarding Roles - Level 3
    It is good practice for the PCC to consider how they can better support people in safeguarding roles.
    This new light brings the dashboard in line with Safeguarding Standard 5  (see items 5.4 and 5.8 on page 20).

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