Dashboard workshops for diocesan staff

During 2025 we are offering three types of dashboard workshops for diocesan staff.

There is no booking fee for these workshops - however, you must register at least 24 hours in advance.

We are also offering diocesan staff some workshops for Safeguarding Hubs.

Dashboard Induction

This workshop will be aimed at new members of staff, or existing members who’ve not previously engaged with the dashboards.

The same workshop will be repeated on different days of the week:

  • Tuesday 11 February from 10 to 11 am
  • Wednesday 7 May from 10 to 11 am  - Register here
  • Thursday 18 September from 10 to 11 am  - Register here

Dashboard tools

This workshop will include a demonstration of all the dashboard tools, with suggestions about how best to use them.

The same workshop will be repeated on different days of the week:

Dashboard data and strategy

This workshop will consider how dashboard data can be used to better support parishes.

The same workshop will be repeated on different days of the week:

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